The Mouthy Mermaid Talks About Vacation and All Kinds of Stuff Today

Good Morning Dear Readers,

New hair do Thelma

The Mouthy Mermaid has been MIA for a short while because WHY, we were on a trip.  Our trip to San Diego was the most fabulous thing I could imagine.

In my world vacation=renewal of the soul and spirit.  I love seeing different places, eating different food and generally having a different experience.  Well, we had all of that.  Mr. has never allowed himself this until he met me.  Hmmmmm.  He was always busy working and being a single dad and raising 2 great boys.  Now he understands VACATION.

Seals in La Jolla. Mr tripped out on them.

We did all the usual San Diego things.  Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Little Italy, Horn Blower Cruise, Deep Sea Fishing, La Jolla and more.  Today, I am doing laundry, yesterday was grocery shopping and getting the house together.

And, my animals, I was thrilled to see them when I got home.  And best of all I am going back in 21 days.

Vacation for me is also a time for REFLECTION:  I like to look out at the waves and reflect about LIFE, how is my life going?  Do I have peace?  The state of the world?  UGH!!!  And, what’s next.  Who knows.

The hospitality Angel Girl and her dear husband and lovely daughter showed us was so wonderful and special.  Angel Girl and I go way back from a time when we were children and our families were friends.  It’s really interesting and a blessing that I have so many friends that go way back in time.

Love Angel Girl. Thank you.

And, that brings me to my next topic.  Being physical age 60…….not mental age……I am still healthy, strong, and can keep it going.  Thank you God for this gift.  Being 60 for me is also a time for reflection:  Mostly how did I get to this age and what the heck happened.  I think that’s called LIFE.

Crystal Pier on Pacific Beach.

Truly I have had so many gifts and love from God, The Universe and everyone.  It wasn’t easy for me to get to this point.  I had my share of not so wonderful men pass through.  Not so smart financial decisions, Ok, it’s only money.  And, then came my year I spent at a place in Tucson called Emerge Center for Domestic Violence and I GOT IT.  I really worked hard on my therapy, because I really needed to know how to not make the decisions I had been making.  AND I DID IT.  I GOT IT.

The first time the therapist talked to be about BOUNDARIES, I was thinking HUH??????  As a Co I had no idea what she was talking about BUT I LEARNED QUICKLY.  And, I learned so many things about me, about what was acceptable and what wasn’t…………..I didn’t understand any of that.

Terri R., sent me an interesting email last night and the question was, How do you know your recovery is working or something like that?  For me it’s:  Finding some kind of peace, balance, having boundaries with people who want to suck the life out of me, doing good deeds for others, taking care of me, taking care of us and enjoying life as I see it.  That is how I know I am doing OK, oh yes prayer and daily meditation.


So, thank you all for reading, thank you all for your love and support and thank you for being out there in cyber land.

All my love,

Thelma, The Mouthy Mermaid

PS:  Orange Man is killing me.  I didn’t hear, read, or look at anything about his crazy circus for the entire time I was gone so it was truly a vacation 🙂

The WH circus gives me anxiety.


And remember my friend Barbara’s Book:

A great book.